Cigar News
The Latest and Greatest from across the Cigar Industry
Fratello Cigars Launches Concealed Carry Cigars
ratello Cigars announces its latest venture: Concealed Carry Cigars. This collection consists of six small batch productions, each with its own exclusive theme and blend.
Altadis U.S.A., maker of world-renowned premium cigars, announces the release of the Montecristo 1935 Anniversary Edición Doble Diamante.
El Septimo - The World’s Best Cigar Brand - Will Unveil Its First $9 Cigar
El Septimo to Introduce The Culinary Art Collection, an Exceptional Pairing of Fine Cigars & The World’s Finest Wines
Tabacalera La Alianza Changes Name to Casa Carrillo
At this year’s Procigar Festival, Ernesto Pérez-Carrillo announced a change in the name of his well-known cigar factory, Tabacalera La Alianza. The new name of the factory, Casa Carrillo, captures the company’s heritage, vision, and commitment to tradition.
Lampert Cigars announce Lampert Limitada 2023
The Lampert Limitada 2023 is a 6 ½ x 56 toro gordo that uses an Ecuadorian criollo 98 wrapper over an Ecuadorian habano 2000 binder and fillers from Brazil, the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua and Peru.
Ike Karipides Promoted to SVP of Sales at Drew Estate
Ike Karipides has been promoted to senior vice president of sales at Drew Estate. He succeeds David Lazarus, who retired at the end of January 2024.
Premium Cigar Association Announces the 2024 Best of the Leaf Awards Finalists
The Premium Cigar Association (PCA) announces the finalists for this year’s Best of the Leaf Awards. The PCA Best of the Leaf Awards are designed to showcase the premium retail tobacconist industry across the country.
3 LEAF cigars announce their Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper and Ecuadorian Habano Wrapper.
3 LEAF cigars announce their Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper and Ecuadorian Habano Wrapper.
Rebellion Cigars and Cigar Emperor Thailand are delighted to announce their partnership.
Rebellion Cigars and Cigar Emperor Thailand are delighted to announce their partnership in bringing the full range of Rebellion Cigars to the market in Thailand.
Hiram & Solomon Cigars Strengthens European Presence with Benoit Bail-Danel's Appointment
Hiram & Solomon Cigars is proud to announce the appointment of Benoit Bail-Danel as its new Brand Manager for the European market.
DOJ Files Initial Brief in CAA et al v. FDA
Today, the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) filed its initial brief on behalf of the United States Food & Drug Administration (FDA) in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia in Cigar Association of America (CAA), Cigar Rights of America (CRA), and Premium Cigar Association (PCA) v FDA.
Espinosa Premium Cigars Ships Knuckle Sandwich 56
Espinosa Premium Cigars has released its second Guy Fieri Birthday Cigar, the Knuckle Sandwich “56.” This is a limited edition premium cigar crafted to commemorate Guy Fieri’s 56th birthday. It will be available in a 10-count box and the cigar will be presented as a 6 x 56 Toro Oval.
Large Frontmark CAO Flathead Resonator Set for February Debut
CAO is releasing its largest, full-time Flathead cigar to date! Today, the company announced the 8 x 60 CAO Flathead Resonator, a cigar named after the hefty component of a cigar’s exhaust system.
Cavalier Genève Announces Black II and BII Viso Jalapa Coronas
Cavalier Genève is expanding its core line of premium cigars with the addition of the Black II and BII Viso Jalapa 5 3/4 x 44 Corona. Both cigars will debut at the end of January 2024.
Dissident Cigars Announces Midwest Exclusive ‘The Heretic’
“Paying homage to my roots, having a Midwest exclusive cigar is important to me,” shares Cynn Coburn, owner of Dissident Cigars. “From Detroit to Flint, Michigan, and small town, Iowa, these places all play a vital role in who I am today. Resilience, perseverance, strength, and personal sovereignty run deep in my blood, as they do in these cities and states. I go against the grain and choose to see with my own eyes. My past and my stomping grounds helped pave the way for that mindset and taught me how to be a strong, true, undeniable Heretic.”
Crowned Heads Shipping Mil Días Maduro in February
Crowned Heads expanded its popular Mil Días line by adding a new Maduro blend. The Mil Días Maduro is handcrafted at TacaNicsa in Estelí, Nicaragua, where the Mil Días line is produced.