Premium Cigar Association Applauds FDA's Withdrawl of Flavored Cigar Ban
Washington, D.C. – The Premium Cigar Association (PCA) commends the recent decision by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to withdraw its
proposed Tobacco Product Standard for Characterizing Flavors in Cigars rule. This quick move, made under the leadership of the Trump administration, demonstrates a commonsense action that maintains the ability of adult consumers to make informed product choices over prohibition.
The FDA’s proposed rule, which sought to ban flavored cigars and could have extended to “characterizing flavors” encompassing premium cigars, would have disproportionately impacted small business tobacconists, despite ample evidence that these products are enjoyed by adult consumers. PCA has long advocated for a regulatory approach that acknowledges these distinctions, and today's decision is a significant victory for retailers, consumers, and manufacturers of these products.
"We are grateful to the Trump administration for taking swift action based on sound science and fairness especially in the second day of the administration. Hopefully, this is an indicator of a new approach with regard to regulatory agencies," said Joshua Habursky, Executive Director of the Premium Cigar Association.
PCA has consistently argued that premium cigars do not pose the same public health concerns as other tobacco products and should not be subject to the same one-size-fits-all regulations. Furthermore, flavored cigars should not be subject to a one size fits all approach as well or prohibited. In both written comments and oral briefings, the PCA has opposed the action to prohibit the sale of flavored cigars and will continue to do so at the state and local level.